Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Olympic coverage dissected

My main views on the BBC coverage are these:-

Claire Balding, Jake Humphrey and Hazel Irving ; all brilliant, enthusiastic, knowledgeable and charming.

Lineker; stick to football, I didn't believe that you were really very interested and some of your interviews with medal winners were bordering on patronising and usually had the feel of an embarrassing uncle at a teenagers party!

The pundits - Denise Lewis and Michael Johnson, brilliant. Ian Thorpe, a really excellent first time doing this sort of job, he was so natural and I am sure the BBC will be trying to lure him back for other similar events. Colin Jackson......oh dear, a little out of his depth sometimes and not quite up to the knowledge and gravitas of Michael Johnson, I actually winced when Colin slapped Michael Johnson's leg as Johson was clearly not amused.

My small criticisms should not detract from the fantastic job that the Beeb did overall. The Olympics in London was, in my humble view, a great event for the UK and something that many of us will remember fondly in years to come. The volunteers, organisers and competitors did us all proud and the impression I got from lots of friends was that we would all like the Olympics to come back to the UK as soon as possible! I don't know if that will happen again in my lifetime, but I hope so. A job well done and I hope the country will continue the enthusiasm for all sports in the future.

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