Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Chamonix Olympics

After travelling through the Pyrenees and seeing the Tour de France, we headed on to Allos for a few days. Our friends were there and it was great to see what the village was like in the Summer after spending four months there over the Winter. It is hot and glorious in the Summertime. Gorgeous steak frites sitting out under the stars at the PMU Bar and lots of chilled Rose wine.

We then drove up north through the Alps to Chamonix. We went through the Frejus and the Mont Blanc tunnels, a first for me, and stpooed overnight in the Oeste valley in Italy. A recession busting conversation with the campsite owner took place " do you want a receipt or shall I put the money in my other place?"

We got to Chamonix just as the Olympics got going. We rented an apartment with UK tv so that we could see the full 2012 spectacular. We were there for the first Super Saturday and celebrated Mo Farrah's gold medal. I was glued to the BBC coverage for the whole two weeks. Paul had some work to get done, so he didn't get to see the full details of the dressage, Greco-Roman wrestling and  trap shooting, but he did see a lot of the swimming, cycling and athletics, which wasn't too bad either!

I even ended up watching the closing ceremony as I had missed the Opening one

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