Friday, 16 December 2011

Ode to soup

A nice bowl of soup; a fine meal.

Classless and timeless,
and without borders,
from the finest porcelain or a simple bowl,
from spicy Mexican blackbean to warm Welsh leek and potato,
a mouthful of soup will nourish and soothe,
take the edge off the cold,
pep you up,
warm your hands from a mug.

Flavoured with pepper, salt, rosemary, thyme, mint or parsley,
or even with ginger, paprika, cayenne, harissa (no!), chilli (what?), or garlic ("your father would never like it"),
soup is egalitarian, non-judgemental, non-discriminatory, cross-border, multi-disciplinary, non-injurious - a one stop shop for lunch, dinner, or even breakfast.

The UN should set up a soup corps.

Soup: great, isn't it?

Short version:
I made some soup today; it was quite nice.

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